Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Word of the Week

com∙plex \kam-pleks\ (adj): (1) A term used by the uninformed and naïve to describe extremely bitchy women.

There's a lie going around, and it looks something like this:

Interesting fact - the women who propagate that idea tend to act a lot more like this:

Now, no one should ever say the only thing that interests women is money. I mean, yes, it's one thing they want – but insane wealth is also one thing most men want. Truth be told, most men and women are driven by relatively small sets of comparable cravings: financial stability, strength, small waistlines.

THE SAD TRUTH: Ladies, the myth that you’re somehow more complex and mysterious than men hurts you more than it hurts guys. Here’s why:

(1) It makes men hate you. A lot. And that’s not fair to you – when guys go for girls that are hot and ignore the fugly chick with the great personality, everyone just rolls their eyes. But if you dump the poor-but-tender-hearted Lit major for the jock with a Camaro, everyone labels you a gold-digging skank. Why? It’s not that wanting a rich man is worse than a wanting a size 8 woman - it’s that you’ve got men convinced you’re an objective, soul-assessing, equal-opportunity lover… when you’re actually just human.

(2) It makes you hate you. A lot. There’s a reason women tend towards emotion incontinence more then men these days: you have no idea who-the-hell you are. It’s like everyone says: you tell a lie long enough, you start believing it yourself. And women have been claiming romantic objectivity for generations. The hilarious/depressing thing is that most of you actually believe it. And looking back over a trail of bad decisions and broken hearts caused by urges you never knew you had… well, it’s like waking up and discovering you’re Tara Reid.

(3) Guys know their weaknesses – sex, big-boobs, brown-eyes. So when one of those things presents itself, they’re able to take any necessary corrective actions / ask important questions… “is she a total bitch?” “is this worth my career?” But gals – you’re almost inevitably caught off-guard. And blindsided with what you really want through the fog of what you THINK you want – you tend to crash from one abusive, exploitive encounter to the next – like a very, very drunk Helen Keller at a Greenday concert.

Trust me, I know how you feel. I’ve been around plenty boobs and brown-eyes that made me want to quit my job and spend the rest of my life with some crazy wench. Most guys have been there.

Do what we do: take a cold shower.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thank you, feminism.

...for another destructive misunderstanding.

THE BACKGROUND: For hundred of years, women were happy being beautiful and elegant. Men were happy being strong and brave. These qualities being attractive to each other's genders, love and marriage often followed.

Those men who were not strong and brave tried to learn or became gynecologists.

Those women who were not beautiful and elegant started feminism.

THE PROBLEM: Since these women were neither beautiful nor elegant, and had no interest in becoming so, they decided to fuck up the whole system by renaming everything. "Strength" became "chauvinist-tyranny." "Beauty" became "slutty." And liking beauty was renamed "objectifying."

But feminism wasn't content to make everything confusing as hell. After all, "female-empowerment" isn't about gender equality. It's about... well, female power.

So to make women not only "as-good-as" but, in fact, "better" than men - the last few generations have been raised by the following creed:

"(A) Sex and sexuality are base creations of the male desire for control. Men who want sex are therefore less respectable than men who pretend not to. (B) Women are not sexually motivated and never have been. We like it alright, but we choose our partners in more sophisticated ways - personality, character, and depth of friendship."

THE IMPACT: Today's men have grown up thinking this is how women see men--

When in reality, women basically see men like this --

What does that get us? A society full of men, afraid to "make a move" for fear they haven't gotten high enough on the "friends" scale - and women who act shocked when their guy-bff's wind up broken-hearted.

This post is in preemption of the upcoming movie, "The Ugly Truth." Credit for the first image and impending shit-storm of female misunderstanding and Gerard Butler obsession belongs entirely to the film.