Sometimes they get a little too bold. Take a look at this one... I hope you'll excuse the slightly-tactful nudity.
The Intended Message:
- Size doesn’t matter. Everyone is beautiful.
- Men are too hard on us women. We women are too hard on ourselves.
- Looks are subjective and shouldn’t play a role in mate-selection.
What Men Think When They See This:
- Wow. Size does matter. Especially when you’re naked.
- What man actually goes for a 12? Ladies, we agree on the size 8 thing.
- Looks are objective. They’re gunna factor into my choices.
Of course, no one will ever point this out. It's not politically correct for women to be wrong about issues of self esteem. Men, of course, aren't cut the same slack.
If Men Were Dumb Enough To Try This:
- Size doesn’t matter. These are all good guys.
- Women expect too much. Men shouldn't worry about income.
- Finances don’t make a guy less desirable and shouldn’t be a relationship factor.
What Women Think When They See This:
- Jake... Cadillac, 3,000 sq ft, shoes.
- Tom... Mid-size, 2,000 sq ft, shoes.
- Chad... Minivan, rented apartment, shoes.